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The Childbirth Education Bundle separate from our other packages is $525 and includes all classes, workshops, birth plan building and additional online resources. Childbirth Education may be included in other packages as well. You also have the option of purchasing individual classes! 


If you are not an EHB client and are interested in joining a class, please email to get fees for individual classes!

Current Zoom Classes & Workshops

We currently offer 6 classes via Zoom and 1 in-person workshop.

Happy, Healthy Pregnancy

 Pregnancy Basics, Choosing Providers, What to Expect during Prenatal Exams, Ultrasound & Genetic Screenings,  MTHFR, Pregnancy Nutrition, Nutritional Supplementation, Exercise Do’s & Don’t, Understanding the Pelvic Floor,  Pregnancy Complications, and Home Stretch Preparation

Birth Plan Preparation

Choosing Your Birth Location, Informed Consent, Questions to ask Your Provider, BRAIN Method, Building YOUR Birth Plan, Understanding PRO/CON Interventions, Understanding AFTER Delivery Options

Getting in the Game

Understanding Your Stress Response System, Stress Management Style, Labor Management & Comfort Measures, Water & Birth, Breathing & Labor Tools,  Building Mindset Strategies, Common Fear Blocks for Labor, Labor Affirmations, Birth Story & Trauma Processing Tools.

Labor & Delivery

 Understanding the Hormones of Labor, Journey from Womb to World, the Birthing Process, Complications of Labor & Delivery and Understanding Interventions, Labor Choices, Induction, Natural Labor Management, Breathing Techniques,  Comfort Measures for Labor and Labor Tools. 

Breastfeeding Basics

How it all Works, Supply & Demand, Hormones of Breastfeeding, Newborn Reflexes, Nursing Positions, Correct Latching Techniques, Nipple Care, Layers & Stages of Breastmilk, Breastfeeding Complications, Supply Management, How to know when Baby is getting Enough, Pumping & other Resources. Knowing when Intervention is Needed and What is “Normal”.

 Postpartum Prep & Newborn Care

 Postpartum, Understanding the 4th Trimester, Newborn Decisions & Options, Embracing the Postpartum Season, Managing Expectations, Baby Tips & Babywearing Options, Baby Led Weaning, Maternal Mental Health, Creating your PP Support System, CCPD, Telling/Reframing Your Birth Story, and Postpartum Resources

Birth Boot Camp Workshop

 Ideal for partners or anyone planning to attend your labor. Plan to attend around 32-36 weeks gestation.  This workshop has evolved tremendously over the years as our birth experiences in different settings, with different provider groups and caregivers, has changed.  Now, a large part of the focus of this workshop is in teaching the couples advocacy techniques and practicing situations, understanding the physiology of labor and how labor is evaluated and managed in the hospital setting, in addition to the basics: overview of labor positions, labor tools (CUB, Hot & Cold packs, Massage and Counter Pressure techniques for relief), Essential Oils & Homeopathics for Labor, Breastfeeding tools hands on (Haakaa, nipple shields, SNS).  When to go to the Hospital/Call the Midwife, Informed Consent & BRAIN Decision making, Postpartum Planning Overview, Newborn Care Overview (swaddling, soothing, diapering, sleep and management). Workbook Included for your reference.

Upcoming Classes ~ registration required.

May/June 2024 Class Schedule

  • May 6 ~ Happy, Healthy Pregnancy, Zoom class, 6pm

  • May 11- Birth Boot Camp Workshop   1-4 pm, 424 Knob Road, Brownsville PA 15417

  • May 20 - Labor & Delivery Zoom Class, 6pm

  • Jun 3- “Getting in the Game” Zoom Class, 6pm

  • June 17 - Breastfeeding Basics Zoom Class, 6pm

  • Jun 22 - Birth Boot Camp Workshop 1-4 pm, 424 Knob Road, Brownsville PA 15417

  • Jun 24 - Postpartum & Newborn Care Zoom Class, 6pm


Jul/Aug 2024 Class Schedule

  • Jul 8 - Happy, Healthy Pregnancy Zoom Class, 6pm

  • Jul 13 - Birth Boot Camp Workshop -1-4 pm, 424 Knob Road, Brownsville PA 15417

  • Jul 22 ~ Labor & Delivery Zoom Class, 6pm

  • Jul 29 - Getting in the Game Zoom Class 6pm

  • Aug 5 - Breastfeeding Basics Zoom Class, 6pm

  • Aug 17 - Birth Boot Camp Workshop, 1-4 pm, 424 Knob Road, Brownsville PA 15417

  • Aug 19 - Postpartum & Newborn Care Zoom Class, 6pm


Sept/Oct 2024 Class Schedule

  • Sept 9 - Happy, Healthy Pregnancy Zoom Class, 6pm

  • Sept 21 - Birth Boot Camp Workshop -    2-5 pm, 424 Knob Road, Brownsville PA 15417

  • Sept 23 -Labor & Delivery Zoom Class, 6pm

  • Oct 7 ~ Getting in the Game, Zoom class, 6pm

  • Oct 12 - Birth Boot Camp Workshop -1-4pm, 424 Knob Road, Brownsville PA 15417

  • Oct 21 - Breastfeeding Basics Zoom Class, 6pm

  • Oct 28 ~ Postpartum & Newborn Care, Zoom class, 6pm


Nov/Dec 2024 Class Schedule

  • Nov 4 - Happy, Healthy Pregnancy Zoom Class, 6pm

  • Nov 16- Birth Boot Camp Workshop   1-4 pm, 424 Knob Road, Brownsville PA 15417

  • Nov 18 - Labor & Delivery Zoom Class, 6pm

  • Dec 2 ~ Getting in the Game, Zoom class, 6pm

  • Dec 9 - Breastfeeding Basics Zoom Class, 6pm.

  • Dec 14- Birth Boot Camp Workshop, 1-4 pm, 424 Knob Road, Brownsville PA 15417

  • Dec 16 - Postpartum & Newborn Care Zoom Class, 6pm


** Included in the Childbirth Education Bundle is the “Birth Plan Basics Slides” and “Comfort Measures in Labor” handout from our presentations at Pittsburgh North Babies & Bumps


Class attendees will be emailed the presentation slides following each class for their personal reference.  


We encourage each couple to attend the Birth Boot Camp Workshop 4-8 weeks before their Estimated Due Date for maximum retention of information.  


Registration Required:  Classes are open to any expectant couple.  Email for class fees & Zoom Room Passcode if you are NOT an EHB client

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